Wow...1 week of no school, and I've actually been getting things done!! My friends Jane and Michelle came over to play (with their 2 boys each!) on Friday and we actually got some crafting done. Not that Jack ever slept, but Julia had lots of fun with the boys...and I got to use Jane's Copics again!! I'm truly becoming hooked on these markers - and thank you Jane for my birthday present of 4 - I'm dying to use them!!

I managed to get this little Sophia colored with Jane's markers while she was here, and put her together into a card on Sunday. Maybe I'll use this for my anniversary card coming up on Wednesday...I think my dh while appreciate it!! When
Christie (our wonderful Prettie Mama!) told us this sentiment was what she had come up with for our
Hula Sophia (July's Stamp of the Month), I almost PMP (Peed My Pants in case you don't know the lingo!) I perfect can you get for my husband?!? This is the man who CONSTANTLY makes double entendre statements, and I keep telling him Julia is 6.5 now, some day she WILL understand him, and he WILL be embarassed!

Anyhow...If you want to get this little cutie delivered to your doorstep with no additional work, along with a new adorable Sophia every month, then join the
Stamp of the Month club. You'll love all these adorable little girls...I know I do!!
Have a wonderful week everyone. Julia is at camp this week, so maybe I'll get even MORE done...if only Jack will start sleeping again!!!