I knew she needed something in the upper left corner, and I searched around until I put my hands on these SU! fire rhinestone brads. Perfect!! Overall, she was pretty quick, and lots of fun! Don't forget to go check out all the prettie blogs to see more Pretty Wednesday cards, AND more Prettie Peeks!!!
Don't forget, On Friday May 1st Paper Pretties will be having their monthly Stampin In Your Jammies party!! The party starts at 6pm CDT and will last until 9pm. We will be issuing a challenge every hour so be sure to come and play along!! Besides the challenges, chatter, and all around fun, we will also be releasing Hola Chica, TWO new Sophias, re-releasing Rainy Day Friend in RUBBAH, and we will have a BRAND new set from a BRAND new artist!! Sneak peeks start on Wednesday April 29th!! Hope to see you there!!
It is also time for another Cutie Pie contest!! You have until Thursday April 30th at 8pmCDT to get your entries uploaded to the Cutie Pie gallery at the Paper Pretties website. The winner will not only get to call themselves a Cutie Pie, but they will also receive all the new release stamps!! Good Luck!!