Thursday, February 15, 2007

Blog Candy Winner!!

Thank you everyone for coming and entering my blog candy contest! I really enjoyed reading everyone's Valentine memories (and I plan to be sure my husband reads a few to give him some ideas for next year!!!)

MY favorite valentine memory is how my mom used to make us all home-made Valentines collage style by cutting things out of magazines (she could NEVER throw magazines away!). She used to make such fun collages for everyone in the family.

So...the winner is...Melissa who said...

I found your site at Stephanies site and will be linking it on mine. My favorite valentine memory is my first date with my husband back when we were in high school. I wasn't 16 yet (2 days later I was) so we went out on a group date. It definately wasn't the most glamourous date ever but we're still together 10 years later.
Happy Valentines to you and your family!

Melissa, please email me your snail mail address, and your pick of notebooks (see the next blog entry for those!) by clicking the "email me" link on the right.

I hope you all had memorable Valentines' Days this year!! Just so you all know, my hubby did come through and got me a single red rose, and took my daughter and I out for a wonderful dinner. Jana Happy! :-)


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